Registration Dates and Fees

Workshop (including coffee break and lunch on 19 Aug, 2024)

Registration category


Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

CNY 450

Regular Participants

Outside Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

USD 60

Regular Participants


Conference (including registration bag, coffee breaks/lunches on 20-21 Aug, 2024)

Registration category

Early bird

(before 1 Jul)


(before 10 Aug)

Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

CNY 450

CNY 600

Regular Participants

CNY 900

CNY 1100

Outside Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

USD 60

USD 80

Regular Participants

USD 120

USD 150

Reception (19 Aug, 2024)

Registration category


Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

CNY 300

Regular Participants

Outside Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

USD 40

Regular Participants

Banquet (20 Aug, 2024)

Registration category


Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

CNY 450

Regular Participants

Outside Mainland China

Full-time Student Participants

USD 60

Regular Participants


    1. Workshop registration has no distinction between Early Bird and Regular registration.
    2. Registration fees are listed in Chinese Yuan (CNY) and US Dollars (USD). For participants from Mainland China, payment must be made in CNY. For participants from outside Mainland China, payment must be made in USD.
    3. Registration deadlines will be reset based on China Standard Time (UTC+08:00 hours).
  • Early Bird registration will be open from May 15, 2024 to June 30, 2024.
  • Regular registration will be open from July 1, 2024 to August 10, 2024.

    1. Workshops, reception, and banquet will have a fixed capacity. Registration will be processed on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that some participants may not be able to attend either of the above due to capacity despite completing both registration and payment.
    2. There will be a refund for those who will not be able to attend the workshop, reception, or banquet due to capacity. There will be NO refund for those who will not be able to attend the workshop, reception or banquet due to any other reason.
    3. For those who will not be able to attend the conference, refund can be made upon request on or before 31 Jul, 2024. No refund will be made on or after 1 Aug, 2023.
    4. Contact us at any problems processing your registration or payment.
  • Contact us at for any problems processing your registration or payment.

    (e.g. If you contact us during the Early Bird registration period, we will process your registration and payment as Early Bird.)

    注册报名时间已截止 Registration Deadline