abstract submission
We welcome abstracts in all areas of language assessment research, including conceptual and empirical studies that are conducted with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods. Topics include, but are not limited to:
Impact on and of language assessment
-Policies on language assessment
-Social impact of language tests
Principles, approaches, theories, or perspectives in language assessment
-Research on English language ability scales
-Development and validation of language tests
New technologies and models in language assessment
-Language assessment and artificial intelligence
-Value-added evaluation of language testing and assessment
Assessment practices
-Classroom assessment practices
-Courses and textbooks for language testing and assessment
Assessment talents and assessment literary
-Language assessment talent cultivation
-Assessment literacy of language teachers
We invite abstracts for the presentation types listed below. Except where noted, each abstract should be no longer than 400 words and must be accompanied by a summary of 100 words to be included in the conference program book.
Paper presentations
Paper presentations are 20 minutes, followed by a 5-minute discussion. Research papers can be either empirical or conceptual. Presentations of empirical studies should provide a rationale for the study, an appropriately detailed description of the methodology, research results, conclusions, and implications. Presentations of conceptual research should discuss an approach or a critical issue, or compare and contrast alternative approaches or issues, and provide significant or innovative perspectives. Preference will be given to abstracts related to the conference theme. Those not accepted for paper presentations may be considered for poster presentations.
Poster presentations
Posters will be displayed during a scheduled session at the conference, where presenters need to be present, discuss their work and answer questions from the audience. Poster presentations provide an opportunity for independent researchers, students, faculty members, or professional assessment agencies to present their contributions to language assessment.
Symposia address comprises three or four presentations that are clearly linked to each other on a single, coherent topic. Preference will be given to topics related to the conference theme. Each symposium should begin with an introduction to the topic, followed by individual presentations offering multiple perspectives to the topic and a synthesis by a discussant. The total time for one symposium is 90 minutes including ample time for discussion of the issues raised. Symposium proposals should not exceed 800 words, with each individual abstract no more than 200 words.
Abstracts will be evaluated according by a team of reviewers. For individual papers and posters, the reviewers’ decision is final. Symposium proposals will be further reviewed by the organizing committee.
The evaluation criteria include:
-Significance of the research topic/contribution to the field
-Relevance to the conference theme
-Rigor of study (e.g., rationale for the research, contextualization within the literature, design of research question(s), choice and use of methodology, interpretation and conclusion, etc.)
-Clarity, organization, and sufficiency of information provided in the abstract